Monday, March 25, 2019

My Grandpa - Kristi Davis

My Grandpa

A giant fell today
A man that shaped my world
He made me feel so special
I was his favorite little girl

A hero returned home
though we wished for him to stay
and once again to come with us
in warm water and red rocks play

A warrior is gone away
left behind this mortal coil
Away to well earned paradise
Freed from broken body's toil

A piece of me goes with him
A piece of him remains
No ending is forever
Good memories heal the pain

December 2018
Kristi Davis

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Little one

Oh little one, we felt such hope
To know that you were on your way
And then, the devastating news
that with us you could not stay.

We lost so much, our plans all gone
Our wishes, hopes and dreams
of holding hands and playing games.
The future bleak - it seems

Oh little one, we miss you dear
We wish that you were here
But now you have your angel wings
and you are busy with heavenly things

For now, there is an empty place
That will not fill till we embrace.
And questions without answers clear
Until we glimpse your face so dear.

We love you babe, please wait close by,
our angel child for now
Until we meet at heaven's door
With all God's promises sure.

We know there is a joyous plan.
A future eternal and divine
But though you're safe in heaven's arms.
 I wanted you in mine.

Missing you

Missing you
(Written when my mom passed away, June 28, 2003)

Though your spirit might be near,
Though you might be standing here,
Your sweet voice, I long to hear,
I miss you.

Though you're now where you should be,
Joyful, smiling, healed and free,
Your dear face I long to see,
I miss you.

How long till we meet again?
Only God can tell us when
I'll feel your embrace, till then...
I'll miss you.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Swim, Ellie, Swim!

It's time for your race and you're ready to start.
You'll give it your best and you'll put in your heart.
The buzzer sounds loudly, it's time to jump in.
Just dive in the pool and swim, Ellie, swim!

Don't wait, jump in quickly, it's now time to leap.
You're doing your best and tomorrow you'll sleep.
Keep kicking, and pulling, and moving along.
As long as you're trying you cannot go wrong.

When your muscles scream "STOP!"
and you want to give in ...
Keep going, don't quit,
just swim, Ellie, swim.

When the race seems long and you don't think you'll win,
Be brave and get started and and hold up your chin
When you're tired and worried, not sure how to begin
Don't think twice about it, just swim, Ellie, swim!

Sometimes you'll win and sometimes you won't
But doing the job is important - so don't
grieve over losses or think you aren't strong,
You are! On the podium, is where you belong.

Swimming in general is so much like life
At times things come easy and then comes the strife
There'll be clouds, wind, and waves as you glide down your lane.
Be happy and hopeful, and don't mind the rain.

You're the best of the best and the cream of the crop
You'll go far in your life if you just never stop
trying and reaching and kicking to win.
So shake off your doubts and swim, Ellie, swim!

For life is not winning or losing so much
but swimming and swimming until you can touch.
Then you'll hold your head high and put on a grin.
You finished, you made it! So Swim, Ellie, Swim!

-Kaye Kindlespire
March 2017
(for my darling granddaughter)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

LAKE POWELL QUOTES and Memories, tell me yours and I'll add them


Arms straight, knees bent
Don't pull yourself up.

Let the boat do the work.

Hunna Munna!!

Tidal wave!  Tidal Wave!

What's for dinner?

I saw a boil!!!!!

Megan "What happens if lightning hits the boat?" (while sleeping on top during a storm)
Kim "Then we're toast."    Silence.

"HIT IT!!"


When Craig hiked to the top of the mesa and planted the flag?


Blue Herons, Frogs, Bunnies and an Island of our own?

Cliff Jumping? (from safe heights and checked out places, ssssshhhhhh)

Catching lizards?

Grandpa's plastic chair broke while he was holding the video camera and he did a somersault?

When Craig fell off the top ....

Katie and Grandpa's jet ski ride, that ended with the jet ski completely out of the water on the shore?

Remember when Heidi dove for Doug's glasses and came up with someone elses before she found his?

Grandpa singing " I love to go swimming with bow-legged women and Would you rather swing on a star?"

Squeaky cheeks?

Sleeping on top under a million stars?

Golfing in the box canyon.?

Brittney and Kristi cutting the eyeballs out of all the fish that were caught and keeping them?

Marina runs?

Remember when we figured out how to catch stripers?

When Grandpa woke us up with an air horn?

When Zach finally went down the slide?

Jason's solar oven?

Neighbor wars?

When Kris Ross "learned" to ride a jet ski and sprayed David head to toe with water and sand?

A "new star" on the trip after Mom passed away?

The baby frog expedition?

And Lovesick Frog beach?

Lightning storms,


Craig's Teriyaki sticks?

Marshmellow guns and giant bubbles?

Meteor Showers, and the Milky Way


Planets, and Planes?

Davis Gulch?

When Kim killed the rattlesnake (eventually)?

When Kim killed the rattlesnake (quickly)?

Party dock wars?

Kayaks and the slot canyon?

Ultimate spoons?

Fishing for blue gills with our toes?

When Mark saved the spider man fishing pole, twice?


"I'm going to write a book someday."
That's what I always used to say

I'd say it once and then again
but never put paper to my pen

And pages of my life went by
And still I'd not attempt to try

And chapters of my life they flew
As children changed and babies grew

I'd planned to write a book somehow
with most of life behind me now-

Kids are raised, their empty beds
Where once they laid their sleepy heads.

I wrote a book it's plain to see
"My Life",  the book that speaks for me.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pumpkins -- for David (who wanted to recite this for the poetry contest at Timp Academy. Nope.)

If pumpkins had nos-es

     and bright orange toes--es

they'd need flip flops and tissues

     to deal with their issues.